Sunday, July 07, 2013

Our Utah Trip Has Begun!

After the change in plans and airport locations, Hannah and I were on our way to Salt Lake City to visit Tawni and her family!  As always it was super hard to say goodbye to Auntie M, Uncle TubaDad, Ro and Ree. 

Once on the plane Hannah was tuckered and fell asleep the moment we began to taxi from the gate.IMG_2236

IMG_2237As our plane took off I snagged this picture of a couple of the planes that had been diverted to this airport due to the crash.

I will admit that this trip I listened more closely to the safety demonstration, ensured our seatbelts were securely fastened and our luggage was pushed well under the seat.  How many times have I heard these things and not really listened? Not this day!



Our 2nd flight was made extra exciting when Mommy gave Hannah her first ever gum.  Oh my, what a treat!

Hannah and I never travel light and this trip was no exception.  The black bag is clothes handed down to Hannah from Ro and Ree and the box is more clothes for another friend who lives in SLC.IMG_2245

Tawni and Em picked us up and the fun began!  After a good night’s sleep the girls were up and made fast friends.  Hannah and Av coloured and did puzzles.  IMG_2248

Sweet baby H (who was sporting similar bed head to Hannah) was not impressed to be left out. IMG_2249

After supper the kids tried out a dancing video game that had Mommy in splits!  Hannah followed moves on the screen and then it created this little video.  Oye – not sure where she learned how to do this but as her mom I’m officially frightened of her teenage years!

It was a beautiful evening and we hung out outside for a while.  As the kids were sitting on the lawn J suddenly yelled, ‘Sprinklers!’  LOL!  They scattered!  Well….except the little girls.  They were thrilled to run through the sprinklers and get soaked.IMG_2261


Fast friendsIMG_2262

Baby H enjoyed the water too.IMG_2270

Post water play = pyjama time!IMG_2273

Lots more fun adventures to come over the next couple of days as we’re here!  Tawni also has 3 amazing big boys that Hannah is completely smitten with.  I’ll be sure to snag pictures of them tomorrow to share with you.

We love vacation!!!


  1. So glad you are safe in Utah and having another great vacation.

  2. Oh my word those dance moves are KILLING me! Too funny. And seriously impressive. Please tell Miss Hannah that I will need a lesson when she comes back.

  3. I just heard about the Toronto flood. Are your parents okay? What about your house?

    1. You're sweet! Thank you for asking. I heard from my Dad tonight and all are okay with them. Thank you for checking in on them! Greatly appreciated.

  4. It was so great to see you and Hannah, and to reconnect with everyone. I hope you can come back soon! What a great group you have that gets together. We are honored to be included.


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